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artificial system中文是什么意思

用"artificial system"造句"artificial system"怎么读"artificial system" in a sentence


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  • He is co - author of swarm intelligence : from natural to artificial systems
  • The internal control of artificial system is compared with that of computerized system firstly
  • Research and its application of mathematical models of artificial system of mine ventilation at no . 2 mining area of jinchuan
  • It has been misrepresented by fencing scholars for the past one hundred years as an ineffectual and artificial system of swordsmanship full of absurdities
  • Philosophical , scientific , and theoretical insights into this subject will be covered , as well as how these ideas are manifest in both natural and artificial systems ( e . g . software agents and robots )
    主题包含由原理、科学、理论方面去深究此议题,以及这些概念如何清楚的表现在自然和人工系统上(例如:软体代理人和机器人) 。
  • Bionics was founded in the mid - 1950s . during the process of bionic research , many scientists obtained from the theories of biological evolution some novel methods that can guide the research on artificial systems
  • Realization of an intelligent human - machine interface requires us to investigate human mechanisms and learn from them . this study focuses on communication between speech production and perception within human brain and realizing it in an artificial system
  • First if one considers thinking to be a uniquely human endeavor and intelligence to be a uniquely human attribute , then , by definition , this process and attribute cannot be associated with a computer or other mechanical or artificial system
  • The moulding technics of fw is an advanced technics which has excellent performance . in the course of fw , we can utilize a kind of computing artificial system to simulate the process . thus , the problems before - mentioned will emerge from virtual reality
    纤维缠绕( fw )成型工艺在民用和军用frp制品生产中应用十分广泛,特别是对现代航空、航天和新兴兵器的某些frp构件而言,它是一种不可替代的工艺方法。
  • We can use the signsoft visit component to complete this task . the successful develop of fw artificial system will increase the productivity and controlling performance of fpr products greatly , which possesses theoretics and pratical value in technics designand pratical manufacture
  • 更多例句:  1  2
用"artificial system"造句  
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